
Villa for Sale in Dubai – How to Find the Perfect Villa

villa for sale in dubai

Dubai is one of the most multi-national destinations in the world. The modern city plays host to expats from all over the globe and it tries to cater to everyone. With expats and foreign nationals feeling so accommodated in Dubai, it only makes sense that many want to try to make a long-term home here and find a villa for sale in Dubai.

Finding a villa in Dubai is not difficult; it’s finding the right villa that becomes daunting. With so many villa types, locations, communities and amenities, it can become cumbersome, spending hours on property portals looking at amateur photographs and boiler-plate property descriptions. This does not include the countless viewings with pushy real estate brokers that are sure to follow.

Don’t fall into this trap when looking for the perfect villa for sale in Dubai. Here is an approach to villa hunting that is sure to make your life a little bit easier and save you countless valuable hours.

Step 1 – Calibrate your Compass and Set Some Targets

This step applies to those who are somewhat familiar with Dubai. If you’re not familiar with the various districts and which lifestyle they’re best catered to, you may contact us here and a consultant will be happy to guide you in the right direction. Make a list of potential areas, communities and sub-communities in which you would like to live. At first, only list your top 5 areas to avoid becoming overwhelmed.

We advise you drive through your target areas after work and possibly before work, to get a grasp of the traffic situation. Weekends in most of Dubai normally sees little traffic congestion and may be deceiving for would-be commuters. Drive through a different area every day of the week and take a break on the weekends. Things to take note of:

  • Traffic
  • Distance/time to workplace
  • School busses
  • Taxi availability
  • Accessibility from main roads
  • Local convenience stores and restaurants

Step 2 – Narrow your Focus

You may have noted 2 or 3 different areas which piqued your interest during your morning/evening drive-by. It’s also probable that you disliked all of the areas you visited. In which case, you can repeat step 1 with a new set of residential areas in Dubai.  When you’re ready, get online and look up some villa communities within the areas that you’re interested in. Avoid all property aggregator websites. Make a list of 5 villa communities that you think have the potential to harbor your future home and go visit them. If you’re having difficulty locating villa communities or gaining access to a certain community, you may contact our knowledgeable consultants here and they’ll get you where you need to go.

Spend a weekend driving through the communities you’ve chosen. Take pictures and make notes of what you like and dislike in each. Thinks to take note of:

  • Cleanliness
  • Neighborhood lifestyle
  • Villa design
  • Curb appeal
  • Security
  • Community maintenance
  • Community amenities
  • Proximity to schools, convenience stores, restaurants and other lifestyle necessities

Step 3 – Set your Crosshairs

Now that you’ve found the perfect community for you lifestyle, it’s time to find a villa for sale in Dubai that suits your needs. For this step you’re going to need to elicit the assistance of a real estate agent who has direct access to the property owners. With their help you can get a list of available villas within each of your desirable communities. You will also need them to organize viewings with the landlord and the community’s security personnel. Zola Group has relationships with several communities within Dubai and can assist in sourcing villa availability lists and organizing your viewings. Speak with our property consultants to get started.

Things to take note of during your viewings:

  • Villa layout
  • Villa location within the community
  • Villa proximity to entrance, parks, pool, etc.
  • Villa direction/aspect
  • Materials and finishes
  • Villa Age

It is important to not get too attached to a villa that may seem perfect at first glance. A secondary market villa for sale in Dubai may have underlying structural or mechanical issues that need to be inspected by a certified professional. For this reason, many buyers in today’s market are buying new villas directly from a reputable developer. In any case, it’s important to ensure that your future home will give you and your family safety and joy for years to come. When you find that villa, pull the trigger.

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