
10 Reasons to Start a Business in UAE

start a business in UAE


Start a Business in UAE

There are several reasons to start a business in UAE; so much so, that narrowing them down to just ten is a challenge. Since its founding in 1971, the UAE has provided a safe-haven for ambitious business minded individuals and companies from around the world. Even today, the drive to establish success in the UAE is strong among entrepreneurs. There are new companies opening every day in the UAE, and the success rate for new business is significantly higher than anywhere else in the world. This is because the UAE is relatively new and there are many opportunities to dominate unsaturated markets or bring in new ideas that have seen success abroad. Here are 10 other reasons to start a business in UAE.


The primary reason behind business success in the UAE is a stable and growing economy. The richness of the Emirates adds to a stable financial climate that has proven its resilience in the face of financial crisis. That financial buffer is a key factor why business leaders choose to operate in this region.


Besides its high-value natural resources, the UAE depends on foreign investors to stimulate and sustain its economy. For this reason, the UAE has established legal structures that lean heavily to benefit entrepreneurs. The UAE has opened its doors to the world and invited all those who wish to grow their businesses, whilst benefiting the local economy.


Initiatives are in place to make setting up a business as accessible as possible for foreign nationals. When an entrepreneur wants to start a business in the UAE, he or she will find the UAE business infrastructure in place to make the process extremely efficient. From business centers that offer serviced offices to cost-effective business solutions, the UAE has made it comfortable for expat and international business leaders.


Thousands of skilled and unskilled workers move to the UAE each day. The UAE accepts most nationalities and promises them the chance at a better life. Start a business in UAE and whatever your human resource needs, the UAE has them in spades.


It goes without saying; if the UAE can attribute its success to one thing, above all else; it’s because it is a highly developed, highly beneficial country with unlimited opportunities to build wealth, which also has 0% taxation on personal or corporate income. It’s not uncommon for a business leaders to start a business in the UAE, just to secure their assets.


UAE is geo-located in a strategic position within  the middle east. Those looking to trade or do business across Africa, Europe and Asia will find that the UAE is the most accessible option, with the least red-tape; providing your business with the highest chance of success.


Much of the UAE’s success can be attributed to the wisdom of its leadership.  His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and his predecessors have played  a key role in making the UAE a global player. Their vision has always been to grow the country to be the business and tourism center of the world. Entrepreneurs who start a business in UAE quickly realise they have the full support of the government and its leadership.


A business in the UAE has the opportunity to make an impression across the globe. With a strong business reputation and millions of tourists visiting every year, the UAE is a location that provides your business the exposure it needs to reach out to the world.


Most business structures in the UAE offer residency visas for the shareholders and their employees. A UAE residency opens up several benefits, including banking and office rentals. A business owner may also grant their family members residency, without the need for employment. Business leaders who want to open an offshore company may not be entitled to residency through their business. However, investor visas are available for certain real estate purchases.


The UAE offers a quality of life that surpasses many countries around the world. With no lack of luxury homes, massive shopping malls, 5-star service and hospitality, year-round warm weather and unmatched safety; UAE appeals to many business people from around the world, purely for its lifestyle opportunities.

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