About Antigua & Barbuda
The Antigua and Barbuda Economic Citizenship is easily attained by donating to a charity, investing in real estate or by investing in a business in the country. Holders of an Antigua and Barbuda passport enjoy visa-free travel to more than 130 countries. The passport will not only allow for ease of travel, it can also open doors to rewarding business opportunities around the world.
Only a short distance from the United States, Antigua and Barbuda is a small tropical island, which is easily accessible. The island has great weather, 365 untouched beaches, beautiful coral reefs and surrounded by clear blue waters. Tourism is popular in Antigua and Barbuda, making it 60% of the nation’s income.

Benefits of this Citizenship:
- There is no need to renounce your current citizenship(s).
- No taxes on worldwide income, capital gains, dividends, gifts, wealth and inheritance.
- There is no notification to your home authorities on your new citizenship.
- There is a 5 days residency requirement over the five-year period. (This requirement could be met in different ways, all at once or in parts.)
- You make your investment after your application is approved, not any time before.
- This program is based on the law and is guaranteed by the government since 2013.
- If it is so desired, the applicant can maintain a dual citizenship if so desired.
- A Visa-Free travel to more than 125 countries and territories around the world.
- A low tax regime is present in Antigua and Barbuda
- There is no restriction on the repatriation of profits and imported capital,
- Life in an economically, legally, and socially stable country that belongs to the Commonwealth of Nations, and whose political system is based on the British parliamentary system.
- Life in a tropical paradise, with appealing lifestyle and retirement options.
Citizenship by Investment Options
Investment in an Approved Real Estate Project
- $400,000Minimum Investment
- Applicant applying alone, with spouse, or with spouse and dependents
Investment in an Approved Enterprise Project
- $1,500,000Minimum Investment
- Applicant applying alone, with spouse, or with spouse and dependents
Contribution to the National Development Fund
- $200,000Minimum Contribution
- Applicant applying alone, with spouse, or with spouse and dependents
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Visa-Free Travel
Anguilla | Georgia | Nicaragua |
Antigua & Barbuda | Germany | Niue |
Armenia | Gibraltar | Norway |
Aruba | Greece | Palau |
Austria | Grenada | Panama |
Bahamas | Guatemala | Peru |
Bangladesh | Guinea-Bissau | Philippines |
Barbados | Guyana | Poland |
Belgium | Haiti | Portugal |
Belize | Honduras | Reunion |
Bermuda | SAR China | Romania |
Bolivia | Hungary | Samoa |
Bonaire, St. Eustatius & Saba | Iceland | Seychelles |
Botswana | Ireland (Rep.) | Singapore |
Bulgaria | Italy | Slovakia |
Burundi | Jamaica | Slovenia |
Cambodia | Jordan | Solomon Isl. |
Canada | Kenya | South Africa |
Cape Verde | Kiribati | Spain |
Cayman Isl. | Korea (Rep.) | Sri Lanka |
Chile | Kosovo (Rep.) | St. Kitts and Nevis |
Colombia | Lao People’s Dem. Rep. | St. Lucia |
Comoros | Latvia | St. Maarten |
Cook Isl. | Lebanon | St. Vincent & The Grenadines |
Costa Rica | Lesotho | Suriname |
Croatia | Lithuania | Sweden |
Cuba | Luxembourg | Switzerland |
Curacao | Macao (SAR China) | Tanzania |
Cyprus | Macedonia (FYROM) | Timor-Leste |
Czech Rep. | Madagascar | Togo |
Denmark | Malawi | Trinidad and Tobago |
Djibouti | Malaysia | Tunisia |
Dominica | Maldives | Turkey |
Dominican Rep. | Mali | Turks and Caicos Isl. |
Ecuador | Malta | Tuvalu |
Egypt | Mauritius | Uganda |
El Salvador | Mayotte | Ukraine |
Estonia | Micronesia | United Kingdom |
Fiji | Montserrat | Vanuatu |
Finland | Mozambique | Venezuela |
France | Nauru | Virgin Isl. (British) |
French Guiana | Nepal | Zambia |
French Polynesia | Netherlands | Zimbabwe |
French West Indies | New Caledonia |