
Grenada Citizenship by Investment

About Grenada

Grenada’s Economic Citizenship Program allows qualified investors and their immediate family members and dependents to apply for citizenship. Launched in 2013, the program has proven to be one of the most desirable of its kind, attracting keen investors from all over the world. Grenada is economically and politically stable country with excellent finance regulations.

Grenada is an island consisting of the main island of Grenada and six smaller islands in the southeastern Caribbean Sea. The nation sits northwest of Trinidad and Tobago, and northeast of Venezuela. With its numerous pristine beaches and diverse coral reefs, Grenada is a popular destination for year-round tourism. Governed under a multi-party parliamentary system, the island nation’s political and legal traditions closely follow those of the United Kingdom.  As a Commonwealth Realm country, the Queen of England is the Queen of Grenada and the Head of State.

Benefits of this Citizenship:

  • When the citizenship is already obtained, you can travel from your country of origin to any Schengen country.
  • Irrevocable citizenship.
  • Citizenship for life, with the right to live and work in the country.
  • Once the citizenship is acquired, it can be passed on to future generations by descent
  • Visa-free access to over 120 countries including UK.
  • Passport holder name can be legally changed if it is so desired.
  • No taxes income, capital gains, gifts, wealth and inheritance.
  • There is no need for applicant to renounce their current citizenship(s).
  • There is no notification to your home authorities of your new citizenship.
  • No residency requirements, you are eligible to apply immediately.
  • All nationalities are welcome to apply
  • A Visa-free travel to around 120 countries around the world.
  • A low tax regime is present, safeguarding citizens, for example, foreign income, capital gains and inheritance tax.
  • A well-known, stable and established investment environment.
  • There is an availability of very affordable donation or investment options
  • No interview requirement
  • No previous education or management experience required
  • There is no need to reside in Grenada, before, during and after the application.

Citizenship by Investment Options

  • Contribution to the National Transformation Fund

  • $200,000
    Minimum Contribution
  • Applicant, Spouse and Dependents
  • Investment in Approved Real Estate Project

  • $350,000
    Minimum Investment
  • Applicant, Spouse and Dependents

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    Visa-Free Travel

    This passport offers visa-free and visa-on-arrival travel to the following countries and territories.

    Anguilla Djibouti Laos Seychelles
    Antigua & Barbuda Dominica Latvia Singapore
    Andorra Dominican Republic Lesotho Slovakia
    Armenia Ecuador Lithuania Slovenia
    Aruba Egypt Luxembourg Solomon Islands
    Austria Estonia Macao (SAR China) South Africa
    Bahamas Fiji Madagascar Spain
    Bangladesh Finland Malawi Sri Lanka
    Barbados France Malaysia St. Kitts and Nevis
    Belgium Falkland Islands (UK) Maldives St. Lucia
    Belize French West Indies Mali St. Maarten
    Bermuda Gambia Malta St. Martin (France)
    Bolivia Germany Martinique (France) St. Vincent & The
    Bonaire, St. Eustatius & Saba Gibraltar Mauritania Grenadines
    Botswana Greece Mauritius Swaziland
    Brazil Grenada Micronesia Sweden
    Bulgaria Guadeloupe (France) Mongolia Switzerland
    Burundi Guinea-Bissau Montserrat (UK) Tanzania
    Cambodia Guyana Mozambique Timor-Leste
    Cape Verde Haiti Nauru Togo
    Cayman Islands Hong Kong Nepal Trinidad & Tobago
    Centro African Republic Hungary Netherlands Turkey
    Chad Iceland Nicaragua Turks & Caicos Islands
    Chile Isle of Man (UK) Niue Tuvalu
    China Ireland (Rep.) Norway Uganda
    Colombia Italy Palau United Kingdom
    Comoros Islands Jamaica Palestinian Territory Vanuatu
    Cook Islands Jersey (UK) Panama Venezuela
    Costa Rica Jordan Peru Vietnam
    Cuba Kenya Philippines British Virgin Islands
    Curacao Kiribati Poland Zambia
    Czech Republic Korea (Rep.) Portugal Zimbabwe
    Denmark Kosovo (Rep.) Samoa